Thursday, March 7, 2013



Southern California Section of the American Chemical Society

Interested in staying connected to the Southern California section of the American Chemical Society?

Read the online SCALACS magazine; a joint publication of the Southern California and San Gorgonio Sections of the American Chemical Society. 

Read the March 2013 issue now! (
For an archive of all past SCALACS magazine links: visit 

What is the ACS?

What is the American Chemical Society?

What is the ACS? from ACS Pressroom on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Earth Day 2013!

American Chemical Society 2013 Earth Day Theme

“Our Earth: Handle with Care!”

The 10th anniversary theme focuses on the general topics of water, air, plants/soil, and recycling.

Check out the American Chemical Society website ( to learn more about the upcoming Earth Day!

Want to get involved in Earth Day, but don't know what to do? Here are some ideas for you to get involved :)
-Plant a tree! Trees reduce greenhouse gases, clean pollutions, provides homes for a diversity of animal and plant life and secures soil from eroding.
-Visit a local recycling facility and learn about how you can reduce, reuse and recycle.
-Participate in an ACS annual environmental awareness campaign in your area. Learn how Chemists celebrate Earth Day.
-Plan an event with friends to go visit a local park, highway or beach and pick up litter.
-Go on a nature hike. Spend some time appreciating the beauty of our planet. Go to the park or nearby trail, or visit a new place every year on Earth Day.
-Ride your bike or walk instead of driving in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
-Engage others in conversations about your environmental concerns. Raise awareness about Earth Day!
-Learn more about the environment. Earth Day is a good opportunity to make a commitment to learning more about the environment. 

To find out about nation-wide events visit